Bastien Lallemant | © Ana Lefaux
Ana Lefaux

Bastien Lallemant

French songs

"La paresse", Bastien Lallemant's sixth album, will be released in April 2024. Bastien teamed up with Babx, JP Nataf and Mocke to record it. In his new songs, Bastien sets out to tell the story of a couple at different moments in their lives. There's a cinematic feel to La paresse, with camera movements and sets, and at the heart of these stories, a man and a woman at different moments in their love lives. The very mysterious Elisabeth Spettro is the female voice on the album.


Un long défilé (Live session)
Un long défilé (Live session)


Upcoming concerts

10 Sep 2024

Köln (DE) Stadtgarten - Green Room

Bastien Lallemant

Archived concerts

11 May 2024

Plombières lès Dijon (21) Au Maquis

Bastien Lallemant
25 Apr 2024

Paris (75) Maison de la Poésie

Bastien Lallemant
21 Oct 2023

Gissey sur Ouche (21) Salle des Fêtes

Bastien Lallemant
19 Nov 2021

Toulon (83) Fête du Livre

Bastien Lallemant