L’Alchimie des Monstres
Klô Pelgag

When Klô Pelgag sings, the images come to life. A writer, composer and performer with an endless imagination. Klô Pelgag makes music and words merge so that one does not exist without the other.
While the eyes fall in love with her, hearts are drawn to her lyrical flights of fancy where strings and voice mingle with the piano's song. This singular universe of "pop magic" has already allowed her to perform in Europe and China and has rewarded her with several awards and mentions.
Klô Pelgag strives to make her songs a landscape for the blind. So that words do not exist without music, and vice versa.
“There are records that immediately arouse an unconditional love. Like a feeling of having always expected them. L'alchimie des monstres is one of them”. - RFI
"An inexhaustible source of wonder" - France Inter
“A fairytale and cruel universe fed by a fantastic imagination” - Le JDD
"His first record sounds like nothing you've ever heard before." - Libération
"Fantasical and frantic. - Libération "Fantasque et Frissonnante" - L'express