La Nuit des Morts Vivants

La Nuit des Morts Vivants

Ciné Concert

Ciné concert: We need a film that leaves room for Gunwood's music to enrich the story while keeping the plot intelligible - in short, the challenge of the ciné concert! So the search is on for a film and/or story and/or creator that exists in the collective imagination so that the band can play with it, the plot being already known to the spectator!

Night of the Living Dead - a cult film by Georges A. Romero (1968) - imposes itself on the group!


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Archived concerts

24 Mar 2024

Boulogne Billancourt (92) Festival Chorus

La Nuit des Morts Vivants
27 Jan 2024

Chaville (92) MJC de la Vallée

La Nuit des Morts Vivants


Christophe "Croot" Spagnuolo