An incandescent ethio-trance combo, where the freedom of jazz blends with the raw depth of Azmari sounds. KUTU stirs and explodes with dazzling rhythms and energy, imposing a frenetic dance, a joyful spirituality!
KUTU was born of the meeting in Addis Ababa of musician Théo Ceccaldi and the voice of Ethiopian singer Hewan Gebrewold. The spark for this association came from a trip to the heart of the fevered nights of the Addis Ababa underground: a world where, as in the days of the sixties frenzies of Mahmoud Ahmed or Alèmayèhu Eshèté, hyperactive youths are seizing on ancestral sounds to transcend them. A journey to the heart of the feverish nights of Addis underground in 2020, where hyperactive youths are seizing on ancestral music in order to transcend it. Drawing on contemporary poems and tribal rhythms, Théo Ceccaldi imagines a telluric set where improvisation and vocal flights intersect, supported by a powerful rhythm section and a line-up of contagious vitality: electro-cosmic keyboards, hypnotic bass, exalted dances and stellar voices... An incandescent ethio-trance combo, where the freedom of jazz blends with the raw depth of Azmari sounds.

Upcoming concerts
Tremblay en France (93) L'Odéon
Chatenay Malabry (92) Le Pédiluve
Castres (81) Lo Bolegason
Chateaulin (29) Run Ar Puns
Lyon (69) Le Périscope
Paris (75) Le CentQuatre
Lille (59) Association Attacafa
Archived concerts
Argenteuil (95) La Cave
Paris (75) FGO MaMA Festival
Portes les Valence (26) Le Train Théâtre
Le Port (97) Festival Jazz Port
Fossoy (02) Festival Musique en Omois
Vienne (38) Jazz à Vienne
St Denis de Gastines (53) Festival Au Foin de la Rue
Epernay (51) Voi(x) là l'Eté
Dieulefit (26) La Bizz'Art Nomade
Bailleul (59) En Nord Beat Festival
Lärz (DE) Fusion Fest
Malakoff (92) Plein Air
Sceaux (92) Sceaux Jazz Festival
Chateau Arnoux (04) Les Escapades
Skopje (MK) Skopje Jazz Festival
Tallin (EE) Tallin Music Week
La Corogne (ES) Womex - Pelicano Stage
Our artists
Abel Chéret
Antonio Zambujo
Ariol's Show
Aznavour : Tout en Jazz
Bastien Lallemant
Cesaria Evora Orchestra
Charles Berbérian
Chico César
Clay and Friends
Ensemble Al Kindi
Flora Hibberd
Goran Bregovic
João Selva
Jupiter & Okwess
Klô Pelgag
La Chica
Lagon Nwar
Le Mange Bal
Le Roi Angus
Les Siestes Acoustiques de Bastien Lallemant
Marion Rampal
Natascha Rogers
Nina Attal
Sages comme des Sauvages
Simone Prattico
Wati Watia Zorey Band